Python OR Java OR C++

So lets see some facts If your interest is in android devlopment or web-devlopment you can do it.But if I give you a task which is out of your expertise you will feel bore. Let's talk about placements,so If your are working in an Indian company then you should not be ignoring foreign stats as directly or indirectly you are connected to them and they are seeing your codes.According to stackoverflow you will see that programming languages,frameworks and lots and lots of data.
According to 2021 devlopers survey,Python ranks the 1st position after it the java stands and C++ in the 3rd.If you are passionate about three of them and want to learn all three In my opinion you shoul give python your first priority as it is an Universal language and used alot,this data was for service based company but if we talk about competitive base comapnies I would not prefer python,for competitives C++,C and JAVA is the best choice.

